Thursday, January 21, 2010

Go or No-Go-The Sequel

Hi all,
Huvie emailed me the following update to the "Go or No-Go" post. See below:

So, SOS has been bugging me for about a month now to post the second half of the “GO” or “NOGO” saga, as she called it. I have to admit I have been delaying it-being very busy with work and partly because writing what happened still makes me feel somewhere between happy and irritated.

To put it simply: I caved. I’m the kind of person who finds that when it comes to parents + dating it’s just easier to give in, so to speak. So after feeling completely stressed out and speaking with the shadchan for ONE hour, I decided I would go to my personal worst place in the world, better known as NY and stay for 2 days to meet this guy. Now I live out of town so traveling is difficult and time consuming. My parents kept giving me the “don’t do this for me only for you” speech about a million times, and in my head I kept thinking I’m only doing this because if I don’t, I’ll NEVER hear the end of it.

The evening of my departure was hectic having come home from work late, and to top it off I was really not feeling well- shivers, aches and pains and the worst possible feeling for any traveler=NAUSEOUS. And still I traveled overnight, arrived and was dead to the world for about 6 hours. Still feeling semi-gross, as evening approached I prepared to meet the guy who wouldn’t come and meet me. Luckily, I was staying with relatives which sometimes makes life easier, and as 7:30 approached my face flushed, my head throbbed and I still felt as though I would puke my guts out at any moment.

He arrived 10 minutes late, looking somewhere between average and slightly below, shorter than I (and I’m not that tall at all), with the usual rudeness that seems to accompany guys everywhere these days (no offense to those guys who are polite-you are a select few). He seemed quite ignorant of any subject that didn’t directly pertain to the state of New York or New Jersey and did not once mention anything about traveling. After a rather painful 3 hours, we got in the car and he asked how long I was staying. In my head I felt completely uninterested and knew I would be leaving the next night, but still I decided to give him an opening and said “I’m here all day tomorrow and I leave tomorrow night”. Soon, he dropped me off at the wrong corner, pulled away and as I climbed the stairs and got into bed, reminded myself that the Shadchan asked me to call her the next morning.

I slept until 10, when my mother called saying that she had already called the shadchan and that they still had not heard back from the guy. Secretly I was thrilled, but my mother insisted I call the Shadchan again at 11. I didn’t but my mother did, and still no news. At 12 my parents called furious that someone could be so rude, either it’s a YES or even better in this case a NO, but don’t leave someone hanging, I could be doing something productive with my day. At 12:30 the Shadchan called me directly and the first words from her mouth (in the authentic Brooklyn acvent) were “fuggetabout this boy he’s CRAZY!” and with that she apologized profusely. I explained to her that before I went out with him I thought him to be rude but this just confirmed it. She felt bad, I was relieved but annoyed with myself for wasting precious vacation days on some LOSER, who apparently thinks he’s god’s gift.

With half the day gone, I got little done, but headed home secure with the knowledge that I was not to blame. Feeling quite exhausted I wondered why girls do this to themselves all the time. We are told to be flexible so we bend over backward to get a date, exercise our appearance to the max, and stretch our self esteem until we are nothing more than selling ourselves short. All for some guy who doesn’t even posses the most basic characteristic of common courtesy and manners. So dear readers what is the moral of the story?


  1. yuck - I hate these stories! It is time for WOMEN to stick up for WOMEN! And this includes guys' moms. Enough of this humiliation for girls and the whole "guys could have their pick from hundreds of other girls". This ain't a game. Soon guys will be expecting us to flippin PROPOSE! Female Shadchanim, mothers of the boy and girl, women have to start backing up women and digging their feet into the ground to insist the girl is treated better. This includes pushing the guy INSTEAD of the girl to travel. Or some type of compromise.

    Having vented, I do have to admit that there are DEFINITELY many good/nice/sweet guys out there as I have dated some of the nicest ones. So didn't give up!

  2. Rabbi Yisroel Reisman said recently in a shiur that girls' kavod is not being properly dealt with. Even to casually talk about a female, in terms like "dumped," or the like, is terribly disrespectful.

    So see how much this guy qualifies to get a dressing down.

    That is my concern nowadays; that girls, if they haven't married by a certain age, even if it may be a very young age, are terrorized by people to push themselves and twist themselves to accomodate an actually breathing male. Initially, maybe my parents nudged me to be more flexible in a way that violated my sense of self esteem, but then they realized that if a guy requires so much just for a date, chances are he won't be worth it. So they have got my back now.
