Monday, February 11, 2013

"Can You Send me Your Résumé?"

Did people forget how to speak? Does no one pick up their phone to TALK anymore or is it just used for emails and texting? Or perhaps when people actually DO call you they forget to say hi and ask how you are, instead almost tripping over their words to get to the point?
Well, lately the above is the story of my life. If I get a text it says 'pls send me ur pic' sometimes it starts with an extra 2 letters (hi-pls send me ur pic). If I can an email it's a one-liner asking for my info. Shadchans don't answer their phones. In fact their answering machines inform us NOT to leave messages. The world is becoming crazier and it's getting harder to SPEAK WITH someone personally.
I will make change. Well maybe not MAJOR change and maybe not for everyone but still-this is life people. When did we stop being mentschlich? When was the last time someone told you 'I spoke with the boy himself and he seemed very polite, sweet, etc'. No, these days it's just 'send ur pic, send ur info, send a full length pic, change ur info'.
So here's the deal. In order to ensure that things move along smoothly with as little possible miscommunication (or none for the matter) my new policy is as follows. If and when I get a message-I call the person up-SPEAK to them and ask WHY they want my info? Did they speak with the guy yet? If so, does he seem interested based on the basic info (also included in the fact that I'm an out of towner)? WHO do they have in mind (in case it was already suggested before or we previously had dated-which would save me hassle). WHO will my info be going to (the actual guy himself? His parents? Another shadchan? His friends?)
Once I have that I accomplished a basic dialogue with the person, can get to understand clearly where I stand in the picture, can know WHO to refer to when & if I need to follow up with them, based on what they tell me.

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